Privacy Policy


Thank you for using our services. We are committed to protecting your privacy and respecting your rights. This Privacy Policy is intended to explain to you how we collect, use and share your personal information and the steps we have taken to protect your personal information.

Information We Collect

When you use our services, we may collect the following types of information:

lPersonal information you provide, such as your name, email address, phone number, etc.;

lInformation about your use of the service, such as the pages you visit, the content you search for, the advertisements you click, etc.;

lDevice information, such as the type of device you use, operating system version, unique device identifier, etc.;

lIP addresses, log files and other similar data.

How we use your information

We may use your information to

lProvide the service to you, and improve and manage the service;

l Send you service-related notices and updates;

lAnalyze the usage of the service in order to improve the service;

l Comply with applicable laws, regulations and government requirements;

lDisplay customized advertisements;

l Carry out marketing activities.

Sharing information with third parties

We will not sell, rent or exchange your personal information to unauthorized third parties.

lYou have explicitly agreed to us sharing your information

lWe are required to disclose your information by laws, regulations or court orders

Cookies and other tracking technologies

We use cookies and other similar technologies to analyze user behavior, administer the site and collect information about users. These technologies may collect information such as your IP address, browser type, operating system, and more.

Digital Advertising and Analytics / Internet-Based Advertising

We may display customized advertisements on our Services. In addition, we may use third-party service providers to provide digital advertising and analytics services.

Third Party Links and Plugins

Our Services may contain links and plug-ins to third-party websites. We make no representations or warranties and assume no responsibility for the privacy of these sites.

Notification to all regions

You may have the right to access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, data portability and object to the processing of your personal information under applicable local law.

your choice

To opt-out of our email marketing or to unsubscribe from our email newsletters, you can contact our customer service department using the information in the "Contact" section below, or you can use the link provided at the bottom of each marketing message or communication . If you opt-out, you will continue to receive email communications about our transactions with you.

Children's Privacy

We understand the importance of protecting children's privacy, especially in an online environment. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 16 without the consent of the child's parent or guardian. If we become aware that we have collected any personal information about a child, we will take steps to securely remove it from our systems.

update your information

If you need to update or correct your personal information, please contact us.


We maintain reasonable and appropriate safeguards to help protect your personal information from loss and unauthorized access. We monitor activity on our platform to prevent any unauthorized disclosure of information. Additionally, we utilize a permission system for credit card authorization and fraud detection. However, no security measure or method of Internet data transmission is 100% secure. Although we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee absolute security.

Do not track

 Your browser may allow you to adjust your browser settings so that "do not track" requests are sent to the websites you visit. However, because a uniform standard for "DNT" signals has not yet been adopted, our site does not currently process or respond to "DNT" signals.

Tracking and Technology Disclosure Across Time

Some information about your use of the Services and certain third party services may be collected by us or third parties using tracking technologies across time and services and used by us and third parties for purposes such as correlating the different devices you use and delivery related information Advertisements and/or other content displayed to you on the Services and certain third-party services.

disabled consumer

We are committed to ensuring that this Policy is accessible to persons with disabilities. To request this policy in another format, please contact us at the contact information provided below.


If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy please contact us at [glasses supermarket].